Weekend of Crafting, Yay!

Let me just begin this post by assuring you that I do love my husband Matt.
This weekend Matt went out of town to visit some friends down in Southern California and as much as I thought I would miss him, I had the best weekend ever! There was no one to tell me to stop knitting and go to bed, I got to watch whatever I wanted to on tv (while knitting, of course) and I had all of my sewing and knitting paraphernalia spread out all over the living room. It was glorious.
I'm taking a little break from Mom's cardigan because I think I want to rip out about five inches of the sleeve and do the decreases differently. I'm tired of making sweaters that don't fit, so I'm taking my time with this one. In the meantime I have gone through my huge yarn stash and collected all of the wool scraps and leftovers that I have and put them into bags so that I can mix and match the colors and make some felted bowls. The felted bowl pattern in One Skein is quite satisfying in that it is really quick and easy and with a great result. I have this funny feeling that everyone on my Christmas list will be recieving a felted bowl...just a feeling. Especially since I was able to crank out two bowls per night.
My other craftiness from this weekend is a little dress I made for a friend's new baby girl. Matt was actually down visiting them, but I just couldn't get this done in time for him to take it. This pattern is from Melanie Falick's "Knitting for Baby" book and I think it is just so cute. I used Rowan All Seasons Cotton for the top, and the fabric is Michael Miller, Party Dots. It's all about the machine washable baby gift.

It felt so great to get these things done this weekend. I've been feeling kind of guilty about the amount of yarn I have in my stash, so I'm trying to make it a priority to use a good bit of it up. There's some good stuff in there! I have twelve skeins of cashmere to make a sweater...now all I need is for Matt to get out of here and leave me to my knitting!