Is this a sign?

So Matt and I have been relatively on-time and organized with all of our wedding planning, except for the florist. This is my fault because I waited and waited to call around despite the fact that I already knew who I wanted to speak to about it months ahead of time, but that's not the point. Tonight I called Ricardo (the florist that I really want to work with) to follow up on the quote that we're expecting. This is how the conversation began:
GL: Hi Ricardo, I just wanted to follow up on our proposal and see how it's coming along.
R: Oh, well you must already be aware of my situation.
GL: (uh) No, what happened? Are you okay?
R: Well let's see, um, last Tuesday I went to take out the trash and I had too many bags and they wouldn't fit in the trash can so I was jumping on the trash to try and make room when the can rolled out of underneath me and I fell on my face and broke both of my wrists in three places. I've been in the hospital on morphine all week, I just got out on Sunday.
GL: Oh my god!
I think you get the picture.
I think that this is one of those situations that will show my true colors as a bride. Will I turn into a crazy stressed-out freak or will I stay calm and work through it? So far Matt and I have just laughed at how entirely typical this is...and it definitely makes for a good story to tell later. For now I feel terrible for poor Ricardo as he sits at home with a cast on each hand. I hope he gets better soon because I can just imagine how stressful it must be for him since he is the only one that can do his job. Everyone, take a moment to wish Ricardo a healthy recovery....
I promise that this isn't going to turn into a wedding website, but it's only three weeks away! As of this weekend every phone call I get begins with "Are you ready for your wedding?!" or "When are you and Matt going to start having kids?" I don't know which one is worse at this point but if you're planning on asking me one of these questions in the near future these are my answers "Let's not talk about it because it gives me anxiety" and "I think we need to get jobs before we can have kids."
I think I could really rant for several more paragraphs but I'll save you from that and give you just one more. I got a lot of crap for my last post, but I think those pictures are cute and I like them! Thank you to my blog friends who commented.
Talk to you tomorrow,
you two are just too cute! You can always do what I did. Order a bunch of flowers from sams club and have every one make their bouquet during the rehearsal dinner.
(trust me, we didn't plan it that way. I just didn't know my future SIL well enough to realize that she'd freak the day before the wedding when it came time for her to perform her only job, the flowers. it worked out good though...)
And by the way, I'm all for it turning into a wedding website! I love to see how things are turning out!
Well, I hope Ricardo, the florist have a speedy recovery. I don't think I can live without my hands for weeks (no dirty thoughts) ha! Anyways, I've read some of your post and I'm still scratching my head on what you really do.. aside from hardcore knitting :-). You are like the artsy type so maybe ur an artist? ah crap, It's 1:30 in the morning here. I better go to sleep I have summer class tomorrow. later Ginny!
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