The Sweatshop
Here in San Francisco it's a pretty remarkable day if you can leave your house without bringing along a jacket. Even on days when it's pretty warm (for us, that's about 70 degrees) the fog almost always creeps up and scares people back into their houses to bundle up. Not so in the past few days! It's been HOT and beautiful here lately...maybe even too hot. For this reason, I think that this post is befitting of it's title. My apartment is not only unbelievabley stuffy, but it is also the scene of some crazy productive knitting and crafting.
I'm still working on my Clapotis, but of course I've run out of Kidsilk Haze as I'm just about to finish it so I'm waiting until I work tomorrow so that I can stock up on one last ball. I'm also pretty close to running out of the main yarn, so there's a good chance that I'll have to nix the final steps of the pattern that make the end come to a point and simply drop the stitches and bind off. That would be very sad considering I'd hate to compromise the look of the whole project, but if it's necessary I'm certainly not going to rip that thing out and make it again! No no no, never again Clapotis! It is beatiful but oh so boring...
Sooo, since I had to put the Clapotis down for a couple of days I decided to begin my Christmas knitting projects so that I can actually follow through with making more than one this year. It only took me a day to finish my first gift, which makes it all the more realistic to plan on a whole slew of knitted gifts over the next few months. You're going to have to wait until Christmas to see all of my handiwork though! So for now I've got a little taste: 100% Mongolian Cashmere, hand-dyed. This yarn is so luxurious and nice, I hope that the lucky recipient enjoys it.

What should I make next? I'm thinking that it's time to dig into the stash and start using what I've got. Oh how I love summer vacation!