Mom, don't look!

I learned how to crotchet for my mom, so she better like this.
So it's not the best photo of me, but hopefully it shows the hat okay. I'm just going to kiss my own ass for a minute and say that I'm so impressed with myself for figuring out how to make it all by myself. When I first came home and tried to figure it out I got so frustrated! I became completely obsessed with understanding the pattern and once I got the hang of it I couldn't stop. I think it's probably fair to say that this is a pretty easy pattern, but still. The internet is a wonderful thing, I never would have thought that it would be such a great tool for crafting, but it is such a great resource. Thanks to Joelene at misocrafty for introducing me to
craftsterbecause it was so helpful.
Now I want to crotchet more hats. I think I'm going to try and come up with my own pattern next time. I like that it gives you more flexibility as you're going along but the hat is a little more solid than a knitted hat.
In other news, I actually started working on my resume today. This just might be the end of my free life, it's back into the world of employment. I'm having a bit of a hard time thinking of my good qualities and accomplishments, but I'm almost there. I promised someone that I would send them my resume by the end of the week, so that's what got me to do it. I've been really worried about how I'm going to ask for a lot of time off this summer when I get married, but I can't let that stop me from working at all. We'll see what happens.
I also bought a Bust magazine today, despite the fact that it's $5. The price was always what stopped me before, but I've decided that it's worth it. Haven't finished reading it yet, but I'm enjoying it thoroughly so far. Other newly discovered enjoyment: Grey's Anatomy. Have you seen it? Matt and I really like watching it. It's become our second-favorite show, after The Amazing Race of course.
Your hat looks great! Thanks for the Gocco advice. My husband and I have been loving Grey's Anatomy too.
I looked! I already got the hat for my birthday so I figured it was ok. I really love it, the only problem is I may have to wait a very long time to see it. It is very soft, did Matthew spend a lot of time with it???
Love, Mom
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