Back to knitting
I'm finally knitting again, which is very exciting. I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a long time but I just haven't felt like it! There are so many things that I want to/have to do everyday and blogging just hasn't been one of them. But I'm back, I think.
I started working at my favorite lys last week and it's been really fun so far. I love being there and I think that I'll learn alot about knitting just by being around it so much. The only danger is that I want to buy yarn and start new projects every time I go in there, but I can't. I've got to finish my existing projects and use up some of the yarn I already own (notice the word "some", not "all").
We also finished all of our thank you notes, which was a big accomplishment. I'm so glad to have those done because Matt wasn't letting me do anything fun until I did them, which was obviously a good tactic on his part.
Okay, so now that I'm knitting again I am determined to finish this project that I started in June. I've already finished the back, but I forced myself to frog the almost-completed right front that I'd already done because I didn't like the way that I had decreased for the neckline. The only problem is that I can't figure out how to start the lace stitch again because I think the pattern is wrong (note: I always think that if I can't figure something out, the pattern MUST be wrong.) I spent about three hours last night trying a million different ways to do it but I still haven't figured it out. Let me attempt to show you my problem:

So this is how it's supposed to look. The ribbing and the bump of the lace pattern are aligned vertically.
Now my problem is that if I follow the pattern for the right front then I end up with an offset lace/ribbing. Argh! I'm so frustrated with this, especially since I've done this front before the correct way. How did I do it? Why can't I remember? Why why why didn't I write it down! I'm officially stuck.
I guess now I'll have to move onto another project until I can ask someone for help. If anyone out there has made this thing before and you know the secret, please let me know!
Ginny, help is on the way. I e-mailed my mom and told her to take a look so maybe she will be able to help. If she can't help you than I think the cause may be lost. Good luck!
Oh, brother; is that pressure or what? Ginny, I read your blog and I know what you mean about the rib and the lace lining up. The only way for me to really see the problem is to knit the darn thing and I'm afraid I'm not going to do that. When all else fails, cheat! If you're only one stitch off try to find a place where you can add or decrease a stitch without calling attention to it and proceed from there. Also, you've tried to solve this problem so many times that your "knitting logic" may be stuck and you can't see, or get past, your mistake. Good luck, and I'm sorry I can't be of more help.
oh, wow! working at a yarn store has GOT to be so much fun!! glad you're back.
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