45 Lbs. of Jelly Bellys and miles of ribbon

Let the wedding stress begin! I didn't think it was possible to get stressed over ribbon tying and jelly belly weighing, but let me tell you that it is. I think it might have to do with the fact that there were too many people involved in the process, but either way I think it's a little bit ridiculous. I'm hoping that I'll be able to relax today but we'll see! Let me give you a small list of the things I have to do today:
-Pick up Carli (my flower girl) at the airport at 10:30 am
-Go to reception site and drop off alchohol 12pm
-Pick up Dry Cleaning
-Pick up outfit at tailors downtown
-Go to grocery store
-Finalize with caterer
-Eat a big lunch so I don't throw up on the gender-illusionists at my bachelorette party
-Go to the bachelorette party
-Have fun
It may not sound like a lot, but add in two sets of parents, a brother, two bridesmaids, an eight year old, and a grandma and you've got yourself some serious drama!
jelly bellies? seriously? we get jelle bellies? you are so lucky you don't need my help with this project because i guarentee half of them would have wound up in my mouth, trying to figure out the best flavor combination. now I am really really excited.
squeee!!! I wish I could be there to help with all the last minute wedding plans. I love this kind of stuff!!!
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