Home for good, unfortunately

We got back from Costa Rica on Friday, though we could have easily stayed there for a couple of more weeks! I didn't spend a lot of time knitting (no surpise there) but I did manage to finish this ruffly scarf from "Scarf Style" that I was making for Matt's mom's X-mas present. I made it out of Trendsetter Yarn, Kashmere which was great to knit with and really soft. It was the first time I've knit with Cashmere and I liked it alot but I'll have to save up for a while until I'm able to use it again.
I've got to wait to post pictures of my UO shrug because Matt has taken the digital camera on a trip. I do have to say that it is now my most favorite knitted item ever! I wear it constantly and I think I'd make another one if it just didn't take so darn long...and so much boring stockinette and ribbing.
Now that I'm home I start school tomorrow and I'm trying to motivate myself to do some cleaning up and organizing around the house. I really don't want to clean or organize though, so maybe I'll spend my day trying to finish one of those unfinished projects in my craft closet. We'll see.
We took a ton of pictures on our trip. If you're interested in seeing all 225 of them then please email me and I'll send you the photo album. I'll also try to sprinkle some highlights into future posts.
Welcome home-I missed you!
I love that scarf!
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