Sad Monday

My Grandmother passed away this morning, so it is a sad Monday. She's been in so much pain and discomfort due to her cancer so I'm glad that she's finally free from it. My mom stayed with her all night in the hospice, and Mommom slipped away this morning just as she promised that she would over the weekend. I think that in a wierd way, her warning to us that she would die today was her attempt to put us at ease over losing her. I went to sleep last night and thought about how much I love her and I said goodbye to her as I dozed off to sleep. Somehow I knew that when I woke up today it would be to a phone call from my mom to tell me that she was gone.
I see it fitting of her to leave us right after Thanksgiving because it was a holiday that she really liked, and she was surrounded by family over the weekend. I just can't believe that she's gone, and I'll miss her.
Matt and I will be leaving for Indiana on Wednesday so that we can be with the family and attend the funeral. This is the first time that I've lost someone close to me and it will be my first funeral, so I think it's important for me to go and get closure.
We did actually have a nice Thanksgiving, and I thought that I'd include a picture of our dinner table so that this post isn't completely sad. The other photo at the top of the page is my Grandma (right) at the rehearsal dinner for my wedding.

Hi Ginny, I'm incredibly sorry about your loss. I know it's hard to lose someone so close (My Great-Grandma for me), and I wish your family well.
Oh, Ginny, I am so sorry. My hugs for you.
Hi Ginny, Sorry to hear about your grandmother. It is good for you to have closure and you sound like you have had a good relationship with her. That always helps. She is always just a breath away I'm sure. :)
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