Another weekend gone...

Mini High School Reunion
Despite the piles of homework I'm supposed to be doing, Matt and I spent a lot of the weekend playing. On Friday night we had a bunch of people over to the house before going out for drinks because all of my friends from high school happened to be in town at the same time. These guys were like my brothers growing up and we've never been in the same town since high school, so it was really fun to see everyone. There's just something about hanging out with old friends that is so satisfying.
On Saturday we went out on a date, sushi and a concert. We saw Amos Lee, a singer/songwriter that we both really like. The show was great! But I was so irritated with all of the people that I almost lost it. It was all general admission, so since we were just standing Matt and I found a spot close to the stage before it got crowded so that I could see (I'm all of 5'-2".) Once the show started, this really really tall guy pushes his way in and stands directly in front of me. I was fuming! Then his equally mammoth wife showed up and it was all over. I was so overwhelmed with annoyance that I could think of nothing but how bad I wanted to push them out of the way. I got my chance when he started stepping on my foot over and over and I finally pushed him really hard (as hard as I could, anyway) and yelled "would you please stop stepping on my foot!!!" And I was clearly so mad at him that he wouldn't stop apologizing, although in a very annoying way, and so I couldn't help but to continue to tell him what he had done to irritate me. It wasn't really a shining moment for me, but in the end he and his wife let me stand in front of them. Matt stayed behind, I think he was a little embarrassed.
The moral of this story? Sometimes it really sucks to be short, but being sassy and short has its benefits!
And since this is a knitting blog, I should tell you that I'm really making headway on Matt's sweater. Last night during Grey's Anatomy I finished the top and started working on the body. I'm so excited! I hope it fits. I am making it a little bigger than the pattern calls for because when I made him try on the top it didn't seem to fit around the arms. What I didn't realize is that the pattern tells you to cast on an additional 20 stitches when you start working in rounds for the body, so that would have made up for the fit in the top. I'm hoping that it will just give him some more room to move without looking too baggy, but we'll have to wait and see!
And in a last note, if you do watch Grey's Anatomy, Matt's cousin Brittany was on it last night! She was the Asian woman who yelled for help at the restaurant because her husband collapsed. It was a great performance, of course.
I know what you mean by tall people shoving their way to the front! Actually, I have no right to talk since I'm 5'8", but I think it's just annoying people shoving their way to the front. Not cool.
You make me laugh. Good for you. I often find myslef pushing people out of the way. They tend to think I am not there unless I physically assault them.
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