Finals = Burnout

Sister Scarf
Done in New Tweed black and brown with fuschia Kidsilk Haze double stranded. I did random striping throughout which looks great, but it took forever to weave in all of the ends. The stitch was just a seed stitch, but a small guage (for me anyway).
I think I might have lost the few readers I have over the past week of non-posting, but who's to say that I'm counting? As the semester winds down I'm not feeling that relaxed, in fact I'm a little bit freaked out about all of the things that I have to do! Final exams, final projects, another eight page's all just a little bit overwhelming.
Thank you to all of you who wrote me a note about my grandmother. We actually had a really nice time in Indiana despite the purpose of our trip. Spending time with our family all together is something that we really never get a chance to do so it was really special and actually fun at times. My grandmother was a cool lady and I will miss her alot, but if she was looking down on us then I think that she was happy to see all of us together. When you've got family from Hawaii, Costa Rica, New York, Virginia, San Francisco, and Indiana it's not that easy to get together.
In knitting news, I've re-started my UO shrug but this time I'm doing it the easy way...with chunky yarn. I splurged on about a million yards of Blue Sky Alpaca worsted in black and I'm about 1/4 of the way through it. I think that I'll have to wait until after my finals to pick it up again though. I'm also working on some secret projects of which I will not name until later. Those will also have to wait, unfortunately.
I'm beginning to think that my blog is really boring. I'm boring myself with it actually! Hopefully I'll be able to "find my voice" or whatever once this semester is over and done. I think that all of my creative juices are dried up for the time being.
I am still here. It seems everyone is so busy and in need of a vacation!
i don't think your blog is boring! Don't be silly. I haven't posted on mine in a while. i am waiting for my pictures of my arm warmers. i promise you will never lose me as a blog friend :-)
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