All About Food
I don't know what it says about me that all I can think of to post today is what I ate over the weekend. Here's a list:
Friday: Garlic Chicken Sausage, grilled asparagus, triple cream brie with ciabatta bread, and fresh-baked cookies with peppermint gelato for dessert.
Saturday: Grilled shrimp skewers, grilled veggie skewers, and a whole lot of cheeto-like things from Trader Joe's. Plus, more of that triple cream brie and bread.
Sunday: More peppermint gelato (straight out of the carton at this point), and a normal dinner of soup and bread, with some cheese of course since we've still got it in the fridge.
Looking at the list it doesn't look sooo bad, but I've conveniently left my secret midday gelato eating off of the list because there were too many visits to count. I'm going to be a really fat bride.
Other than that, I don't have much to say. I spent hours and hours working on getting our wedding invites done yesterday. There was a lot of double-checking and cross-checking of various lists, a trip to the Paper Source, and a lot of envelope stuffing. We're finally done though and I think that all guests have been accounted for! I'm taking them to the post office in an hour so that I can have them weighed to make sure they don't need additional postage, and then they're off! What a relief.
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