Saturday, May 28, 2005

My Masterpiece

For all of you who are familiar with the intricacies of the perfect "Egg-in-a-hole", you can understand and appreciate the art of this one.


I was almost too proud to eat it, but I got over that quickly.

So I'm officially done with my first semester back at school. I wonder what my grades will look like? This is my prediction:
English: A-
American Government: B
Interior Design: A
Asian American Women: A
We'll have to wait until June 5th to know if I am good or if I just think that I am. Either way, it's over!

Note: The spellcheck function on Blogger is not working for me. I'm a little nervous about the above spelling of "intricacies"...but I will go with my gut and publish it anyway. (This is a polite attempt to say "Koa, don't go commenting about my spelling mistake! Not everyone knows how to spell mannequin.)


At 9:40 PM, Blogger pretendingsanity said...

oh, my sister is in the same boat, waiting for her grades. At least it's all over right?

At 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate the waiting for my grades period after finals, but it doesn't look like you have much to be worried about. :)

The egg-in-a-hole looks yummy!


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