Look! Pictures

Design project: "Exploded Square"

Design project: "Still Life"

This is a sample for the store made from the new Rowan

Everyone at work is making something with this pattern, so I decided to jump on the bandwagon and see what the fun was all about. It's the feather and fan stitch done in Manos de Uruguay wool. Let me know if you want the pattern, it also looks great in mohair.

This is a secret project I'm doing, so you only get a peek. (Also from the new Rowan)
I think I'm just going to have to come to grips with the fact that I only have time to post once a week now. Otherwise I feel really guilty about it every time I don't post more often. I thought that today I'd show you some of the things that I've been working on. The three knitting pictures are my current projects. I'm to laze to put them in my sidebar, so there you go. The other two are projects I did for my design class. I love homework that involves cutting and pasting! I especially liked working on the black and white one because the designs that you can come up with when you're using simple shapes are endless and they always look interesting. I'm really liking that class.
I'm really happy that I've been knitting a little bit more too. Now that I'm working at Urban Knitting Studio I am constantly coming up with ideas of things I want to make. Here is my current list:
- Felted zipper bags using my scrap wool
- A baby sweater for my friend Delphine's baby on the way
- A shrug for myself
- A cardigan for myself
- A tank for my mom
- Christmas gifts of which I will not name...
And I'm also considering the task of making a sweater for Matt, just because I think it would be fun if he actually wore it. There is a nice pattern in the Last Minute Knitted Gifts book for a zip up sweater. If I do go through with such a huge project I think I'd do this one since Matt really likes to wear hoodies and zippery things.
Okay, I think I'm done with my post now. I'd hate to bore you with any more of my knitting thoughts....
I have wanted to make that sweater for my husbad too! In the exact color in the book, now if only I coul afford the yarn!
Nice to have you back, and knitting:)
I started a sweater too and I need to keep knitting or it will never get done. I am excited to see what the secret project is. I love surprises. :-)
Ginny, I sent you an email, but it keeps bouncing back. I would be more than willing to work up a trade, if you would like a knitting bag. I am totally up for custom orders.
I too have drooled over that sweater in LMKG's for my hubby, but holey moley on the yarn cost. I should talk my yarn store into letting me make one for the store so I can make mine for free.
the expanded square I did those! mine wasn't that fancy that is beautiful oh my.
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