Non-Knitting Content

Since I don't think that you want to see Matt's partly finished sweater, here is a photo of my first ever sculpture. It is made of plaster, it is chalky feeling, I like to look at it but I hate to touch feels icky.
For my next sculpture project I have to make something that somehow involves a wooden box that I build myself. So far the box is done and as of today, it is also Shellac-ed and ready to be sculpturized. I'll keep you posted with the details, let's just say that there is a crochet hook involved.
In other bloggy news, I've been thinking alot about my blog lately and I realized that I had forgotten that my original purpose in having a blog was to keep track of my various creative endevers (I think this is spelled wrong, just to let you know) and to be part of the community of crafty people out there who inspire me by they're own crafty blogging. For this reason I think that I need to maybe change the format of my blog so that I can fit in all of the little details that make a good crafty blog good. So, I wanted to see if any of you people have any suggestions about different hosts. What do you like, or dislike about typepad, squarespace, etc.? Is it worth the trouble to switch?
Thanks in advance for your help!
i like the sculpture-very cool! good thing it is to look at and not to touch. i have a couple of your needles-finally finished the projects they were on and will post soon. whoo hoo
Hi Ginny,
I like your piece very much. I cant help to see it as a scale model of a cool sofa or a day bed.
ginny! I'm sorry, I'm just a little behind in my blog reading! I use Word Press, which takes some knowledge of code, and your own host. But I've poked around squarespace a bit and I really like it.
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