Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Teachers Pet

Today was a school day for me, but one of my classes was cancelled again. It may sound dumb but it has actually begun to bother me that this keeps happening! I think I've become somewhat of an overachiever in my old age...Next week my English class is cancelled because my teacher got confused about spring break and planned a trip to Palm Springs. I really don't know what to say other than I'm sure you're getting the idea of what kind of school this is.
On that note, I'm also beginning to think that I'm much smarter than I've been giving myself credit for. Despite my procrastination and bad study habits I've gotten an A- and a B+ on both of my mid-terms from last week! I'm like, so smart.
Regarding the knitting situation: I'm experiencing a bit of trouble with my little elephant's trunk. I can't bring myself to continue because I'm completely confused about what I'm doing. I think I'm going to have to start a new project and take my mind off things until I can get up the courage to pick the elephant back up. The only thing is that I've promised myself that I won't buy any yarn....


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