Turning Japanese
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
I'm Married!
Just wanted to say hi. I'm officially Japanese now, no more turning japanese! Matt and I had a great wedding last friday and we're still entertaining guests and resting after our week last week. I'll post some pictures as soon as I get a chance.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
45 Lbs. of Jelly Bellys and miles of ribbon

Let the wedding stress begin! I didn't think it was possible to get stressed over ribbon tying and jelly belly weighing, but let me tell you that it is. I think it might have to do with the fact that there were too many people involved in the process, but either way I think it's a little bit ridiculous. I'm hoping that I'll be able to relax today but we'll see! Let me give you a small list of the things I have to do today:
-Pick up Carli (my flower girl) at the airport at 10:30 am
-Go to reception site and drop off alchohol 12pm
-Pick up Dry Cleaning
-Pick up outfit at tailors downtown
-Go to grocery store
-Finalize with caterer
-Eat a big lunch so I don't throw up on the gender-illusionists at my bachelorette party
-Go to the bachelorette party
-Have fun
It may not sound like a lot, but add in two sets of parents, a brother, two bridesmaids, an eight year old, and a grandma and you've got yourself some serious drama!
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Wedding Crafts
It is the expectation that someone in my position (getting married in less than a week) is very busy with planning and general wedding craziness. Not the case. Matt and I are relaxed and unfazed by our upcoming nuptials. So much so that I have had more time to craft, hence the cute Ring Bearer pilllow that I made this week.

I've been holding on to this pattern since we were first engaged and the finished project looks exactly how I pictured it. I think I should have pressed the edges before I stuffed it though, but it's too late now. Thanks Martha! I never could have done it without you.
Friday, July 08, 2005
I forgot to mention that I found the pattern for the bag on Craftster. I would not have been able to figure it out without this handy tutorial.
Craft Corner
I haven't been posting because I've turned my house into a craft corner and I haven't been able to sit down at my computer long enough to post! I'm so into sewing now that I've started. I just keep looking around to see what I can sew next. Yesterday I finished the little messenger bag that I was making for Carli, my flower girl, as a gift. It turned out really cute.

I'm quite proud of it, I must say. I've never sewn anything that was this elaborate. Not that the bag is really complicated or anything but my sewing usually consists of little zipper bags and nothing else. THe only thing that I don't like about the bag that I made is that the lining inside is all bunchy. If I were to make it again I would make the lining slightly smaller than the outside part so that it is tighter. Here is a picture of the lining.

I think you can see how bunchy it is.
I also made a curtain for a window in our hallway. There's this window that looks into our storage room and it's visible when you first walk into the apartment. The curtain hides our piles of boxes and stuff so that people don't think we're slobs when they first come into the house.
Yay sewing!
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Lazy Post
I'm sorry everyone, I don't have it in me to post a picture today. If I did, I would post a shot of my current project though. I'm making a little messenger style bag for my flower girl, Carli. It's not necessarily for her to wear during the wedding but I've been wanting to make her a little bag to hold her camara and things while she's walking around San Francisco next week.
I really like sewing but as I think I've mentioned before, I never do it. I think that this project will motivate me to make some more things in the future. I'm borrowing Jessica's sewing machine for this job but I dont think that she'll mind if I borrow it for awhile. There is actually a really cool place here in the city called Stitch that I'd like to check out. They teach sewing classes based on your abilities and they also rent out machines and space for those of us who don't have the right stuff. I know what you're thinking: why does Ginny need to take more craft classes? Or maybe you weren't thinking that but it is true that I have taken a class for just about everything from glassblowing to hatmaking to knitting to felting, and then there was this jewelry class I took...the list goes on. I think that sewing classes fit really nicely into my little repetoire. We'll see if I ever find the time or money to realize this idea. For the time being I'll just rely on the internet crafting community to fill me in where I'm lacking in crafty knowledge. Thank goodness for Craftster!
Okay, time to go to bed. That is as soon as I finish my little cocktail that I'm drinking. Have I mentioned that I'm obsessed with drinking "Dark and Stormy's"? My friend Rachel introduced me and I'm hooked. She and I share a love of all things ginger and the Dark and Stormy is just another way to enjoy it. It's basically made with a really strong ginger beer (like root beer, but ginger) and dark rum with a little lime. Yum.
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Counting down the days
I've only got 12 more days until THE day and it's beginning to feel very surreal. Not surreal as if it's not real but more like wow, I Ginny Lau am going to be married in 12 days! In 13 days I'll be Ginny Uyesugi and I haven't even had time to practice my new signature. It's taken me years to perfect my Ginny C. Lau with a big G and a curly messy Lau with a C in between. How will I do it now? Will I spell out each letter of my new last name carefully so that you can read it? Will that even make a difference since no one can pronounce it anyway? Is it lame to simply make a Ginny U. with no yesugi? These are all things that I will have to consider when I go about my new signature. I think I'll need to begin practicing this week so that I'm seasoned and ready once the time comes to sign my first credit card charge. I imagine that being like the first time I wrote a check for schoolbooks with my mom's checkbook (I had permission, don't worry) and I was all nervous because I wasn't sure how to write out the amount. My hand shook, I was a mess.