Finished Objects

Eliana's Baby Sweater
pattern by Debbie Bliss
yarn: Rowan All Seasons Cotton with Manos Del Uruguay Cotton Stria for the collar

Eliana's Bonnet
pattern from "Last Minute Knitted Gifts"
yarn: Manos Del Uruguay Cotton Stria for bonnet, GGH Leggaro? (or something like that) for the border
Despite all of my schoolwork and general business I've actually been knitting a little bit. These are some things that I finished several weeks ago but I accidentally left my camera at a friend's house so I've had to wait to show them off. I also finished my sister's scarf (still weaving in the thousands of ends), started a shrug, bought yarn to make Matt a man-sweater, and I'm still slowly working on my black and white feather and fan scarf. I really don't know the likelyhood of me finishing all of these projects and making some Christmas gifts, but I'm going to take the chance anyway.
I worked all weekend this weekend and I'm definitely feeling the crunch. I'm so behind on all of my reading! And my art projects are still eating into the time that I thought I could spend doing homework for other subjects. I really hate my schedule this semester. Speaking of's time to leave for school.
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