Monday, August 29, 2005

Life takes over

I may not be the busiest person in the world, but I just haven't had the time or the interest in posting this week! Or maybe I just haven't had anything fun enough to post...
School isn't completely consuming me yet although I should probably be spending more time studying in general. Instead I've been knitting a bit more and this weekend Matt and I spent some time with friends that we haven't seen in awhile. Most of my knitting has been secret, but I think I'll have to find a way to post little pieces of what I've been working on so that I can feel like this is a legitimate knitting blog!
Anyways, today I spent almost all afternoon working on my drawing homework. Right now we're doing "partial blind line contour drawings" which means that you can only look at the page in order to place your pen but you have to look at the object you're drawing while you draw it. It's not easy, but I think that it's teaching me how to understand proportion and foreshortening, etc. My homework assignment was to do a partial blind line contour drawing of the interior of a kitchen drawer. Here is a picture of what I did.

I had to fudge in a couple of places because my proportion was off, but I think it looks pretty good. My next assignment is to draw the interior of a room in the house which I think might be easier.

Friday, August 19, 2005

All Better

So I finally figured out how to go forward with my Spring Fling thanks to my friend Syrette. I don't want to bore you with the details but essentially i think that the lace pattern directions are switched on the pattern: Left side directions are actually for the right, and vice versa. This is the only explanation I can congure, but I looked all over the net to see if anyone else had this problem and I couldn't find anything.
I started school on Wednesday but I had my big day of classes yesterday. I think it's going to be a good semester. This is a list of the classes I'll be taking:
English 1B-basic college literature coarse
Basic Drawing
Basic Design
Western Art History
Cultural Anthropology
yay school!

Now I'm off to work at the knitting shop for the afternoon.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


My friend Alexia and her family are moving to France today for a year long adventure so I thought it would be fun to send her off with a post. Alexia and I met about four years ago in a class at Public Glass, back when I used to blow glass. Back then she had just returned to 'normal life' after a year of sailing with her husband to mexico and hawai'i on their little sailboat. Anyways, we were friends almost instantly and we have been close ever since.
Alexia is one of the nicest people I've ever met, and the most daring. When Matt and I had a goodbye breakfast with her on Sunday she admitted that even though they were leaving the country on the 17th (today) they hadn't even begun packing or figured out who would move their stuff into storage so that the new owners could move in. The fact that she made time to see us despite the looming deadline is amazing!
Anyways, good luck Alexia!
Here are some pictures of our Sunday visit:

From top to bottom:
Alexia's husband Matt (yes, another one)
Alexia's son Jake, eating butter straight and loving it!
Me and Alexia

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Blog Spam

I don't know what it is today but I got 3 spam comments on my blog post! Who does this? I find it really annoying and I felt the need to comment that I will promptly delete all blogspam from now on. So there.

Back to knitting

I'm finally knitting again, which is very exciting. I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a long time but I just haven't felt like it! There are so many things that I want to/have to do everyday and blogging just hasn't been one of them. But I'm back, I think.

I started working at my favorite lys last week and it's been really fun so far. I love being there and I think that I'll learn alot about knitting just by being around it so much. The only danger is that I want to buy yarn and start new projects every time I go in there, but I can't. I've got to finish my existing projects and use up some of the yarn I already own (notice the word "some", not "all").

We also finished all of our thank you notes, which was a big accomplishment. I'm so glad to have those done because Matt wasn't letting me do anything fun until I did them, which was obviously a good tactic on his part.

Okay, so now that I'm knitting again I am determined to finish this project that I started in June. I've already finished the back, but I forced myself to frog the almost-completed right front that I'd already done because I didn't like the way that I had decreased for the neckline. The only problem is that I can't figure out how to start the lace stitch again because I think the pattern is wrong (note: I always think that if I can't figure something out, the pattern MUST be wrong.) I spent about three hours last night trying a million different ways to do it but I still haven't figured it out. Let me attempt to show you my problem:

So this is how it's supposed to look. The ribbing and the bump of the lace pattern are aligned vertically.

Now my problem is that if I follow the pattern for the right front then I end up with an offset lace/ribbing. Argh! I'm so frustrated with this, especially since I've done this front before the correct way. How did I do it? Why can't I remember? Why why why didn't I write it down! I'm officially stuck.

I guess now I'll have to move onto another project until I can ask someone for help. If anyone out there has made this thing before and you know the secret, please let me know!

Monday, August 08, 2005


If you were wondering who's who in the picture below of me and my wedding party, here is a list from left to right:
Faith- best friend/sister since 7th grade
Kimi- best friend since college (not my sister, but everyone thinks so!)
Jessica- best friend and partner in crime since 9th grade
Bliss- my cute little sister
Carli (nickname "Krazy Kool")- my flower girl and bestest little friend since the day she was born

Nueva Familia

This weekend Matt and I went down to the OC yet again to help with a big sale they were having at the family store. Matt didn't really want to go, but they needed help and we need it made sense to help them out. I had a lot of fun hanging out with the Fam and spending time with them in a different capacity. I think I miss working too, as weird as that may sound.

Poor Matt has bronchitis or something (I don't know if I spelled that correctly). He's got a nasty cough and he's all achy. So far I've been lucky enough not to catch it though but I'm thinking that I should take some Airborne just in case.

Anyways, our actual wedding pictures were released last week on Pictage and you can view them if you'd like. Just plug my name into the "find your event" space and you can wade through all 952 of them. They really came out nice. If you don't know my full name, just email me.

We've got a ton of stuff to do today before we've got Jury duty later this week. I'll post something more interesting when I have time.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The Aftermath

Now that I'm married I have this wierd sense of loss now that it's all over. I'm surrounded by piles of unwritten thank you notes and name-changing paperwork and somehow those things just aren't as fun as planning a wedding! Today I went to the Social Security office to change my name and then I headed over to the DMV to get a new drivers license. I know that I've already talked about my feelings about changing my name...but now that it's done I feel sad and wierd to not be a Lau anymore. As annoying as hyphenated names are I can now completely understand why so many people choose to do it. Oh well, now it's done!

Rather than wallow in my post-wedding depression, let's revisit the excitement of actual wedding. I'll start at the semi-beginning:

In a dramatic example of my famous procrastination I did not pickup my wedding gown until the day before the wedding. This was not in the plan, but the man who was altering the dress wasn't returning my phone calls (major point of stress) and he finally called me that morning. Though it was a relief to have the dress in my hands, he did a horrible job and ultimately my sister had to completely redo it. To add to the drama, he also altered Jessica's bridesmaid dress and somehow made it too tight. Luckily she was able to have it taken out at the last minute and actually picked it up from the tailor an hour before we left for the wedding! I think you're getting the picture, this was pretty stressful.
I'll add more later, but here are some pictures.
Getting Ready
The Ladies