My procrastinating has reached its highest point this weekend, and the accelerated heartbeat has set in. I have a big project due on Tuesday night (tomorrow) for my Interior Design class and I have a LOT left to do. That probably means that I shouldn't be blogging, but staying on focus has never been my strong suit. Here I am.
The biggest problem so far is that part of the project is a two-point perspective drawing of the living room interior of my "dream house". Who the hell thinks that you can teach two-point perspective in an hour? This is completely ridiculous and I have no problem blaming all of my frustration on my teacher..because I'm convinced that she's in a walking coma and she lives in a dream world herself.
What I have left to do:
1. An elevation of the exterior view of the house.
2. Finish the 2 pt. perspective drawing (which I've already spent two days on and it doesn't even look that good)
3. Write a little ditty about the house and who's going to use it, what for, etc.
4. Mount all drawings onto Mat board with spray glue, which is an event in itself if you're familiar with spray glue.
5. Type up room names and apply them to the plan drawing.
6. Make it pretty so that I'm not embarrassed when I have to hold it up in front of the class.
Plus, I have school tonight and tomorrow morning.
This is what my 2 pt. perspective drawing looks like right now:

Wish me luck!
In other news, Matt apparently doesn't read my blog which means that I now have free reign to write anything I want to about him and he'll have no clue. I find this power very exciting. I waited all day yesterday to recieve some kind of punishment for posting a picture of him hugging a stuffed dog, but nothing happened.
Also, I've recently learned that I have some daily readers that aren't stepping up to the plate and commenting....Matt Grace, that's you. Get your Sushi-eating ass together and write me a note sometime, will ya?
Okay, if I'm gonna watch Oprah at Four I'd better get back to work.